Sponsorship Advertisement


Articles,Paper presentations, speeches and advertisements will be published after the conference. Those willing to provide articles or participate in any of the above mentioned, kindly forward the details to the Conference Secretary at the below address

The Editor,

Publication committee

3/2, Swathi Towers, 3 Durgabai Deshmukh Road,

Raja Annamalai Puram,

Chennai – 600 028. INDIA.

Phone : + 91 – 44 -2495 3915 / 2462 0198,


World Tamils Economic Foundation / Madras Development Society or Sattakadir welcomes donations or sponsorships for the conference or any of the associated activities of MDS or WTEF or SATTAKADIR.    Sponsorship and donation payments are to be made to World Tamils Economic Foundation A/c by way of Cheque or DD.  Please visit the www.mdschennai.org / www.economic-conference.com, www.sattakadir.com, www.wtefchennai.com.